BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Friday, July 18, 2014


so I'm eating the on-plan food and DAMN, whats wrong with me? I LOVE eating like this I enjoy my food more I feel better why the gorram hell do I fall into the junk-food abyss so often?
mayhaps there's some lazy and a good dash of self sabotage too. gonna have to track this much closer than I anticipated. I need to "SEE" the patterns and PREVENT them from repeating.
I ate:
2 steakums with am cheese
and I'm in the process of eating my dinner, a southern special!  fried wieners, fried bologna (grease squeezed out into paper towels) and scrambled eggs. i'll probably have some bbq skins later as a snack and early bed today! the last two have been busy and physically challenging too.


  1. I love Atkins because I love meat and it is great to be able to eat all of it I want. I get lazy though because there aren't a lot of quick easy snacks in the meat arena. Almost all of it has to be cooked or prepared in some way or another so I think I just get tired and quit. It is a silly reason to quit, You are not lazy or silly. You'll do fine.

    1. and by the grace of God I'm southern so I LOVE my cracklins and skins otherwise there's no "crunch" lolol


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!