BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Monday, June 30, 2014

PARDON MY FRENCH...............


NO TIME TO BE NICE AND FUZZY TIME TO GET IT DONE! ....................and so I shall!
so food:
pigs in a blanket
tbsp. peanut butter
NO SWEETS! and boy oh boy was I craving them, which is ironic cause even at my heaviest I almost never ate sweets it was chips/bread/pasta/rice and such.
I didn't do any "traditional" working out but unloading and moving 4 bookcase, moving the bed, a desk, and such certainly kept me sweating for 4 hours and my muscles are sore this morning in my upper arms, side/back, and my legs so I'd say I did plenty of physical activity! lol


Sunday, June 29, 2014


well my Saturday was busy but good, it passes the night quickly. and of course my Saturday night is my Friday night. lol so yeah I'm off today!
I ate:
smoked sausage
ramen noodles
2 slices sausage/pepperoni pizza
chef Boyardee pepperoni ravioli
garlic bread
tbsp. peanut butter
I'm craving something sweet but as I have not bought anything there's nothing to tempt me and I have vowed to have 1 day (sunday) when I don't even leave the house!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

fun and frivilous!

no worries, no complaints, nope not today we're gonna keep it fun and frivolous!
I ate
Italian sausage
ravioli (2)
zero bar
garlic bread
caramel coconut cookies (5)
handful of Cheetos (it took me like 4 days to eat the $2 bag from wally)
and drumroll.............................I lost 2 pounds this week so I'm 207. YIPPIE!
no clue how many steps my pedometer is broken and occasionally works and more often doesn't.
some yum yum for y'all, cause eye candy is fat/calorie/guilt free!

I got my new scarf to match my Jayne cobb firefly hat so YEAH!

I display it on a glass head on top of my dvds with all my other firefly stuff

Photo: have yourselves a lovely evening and think of me as I head out to my mundane (BIG pouty I don't wanna lips) lol

Friday, June 27, 2014

bein gay and breastfeeding !?

well I wanna talk about something I NEVER really talk about what it means to be gay and the issues that go along with it. apparently I pissed off a bunch of FB folks when I came out in support of breast feeding but said I didn't understand why being discreet was an issue. my family all simply use a cover/cloth , well holy crap apparently breastfeeding women and demanding their right to have their boobs on display and I have been getting hate mail for a week now (mind you I'm pro-breast feeding)
to the point I was accused of wanting women to cover up because I'm gay and don't like boobs..........which I guess means I don't sexualize them which kinda defeats the whole it's natural and their purpose. of course when I pointed out women sexualize them as much if not more than men that is horrible how dare i. (what is the point of bras, cleavage etc etc breast feeding requires none of that those tribes in Africa have em hangin to their waists and feed the children just fine) I fully admit I'm opinionated and loud and oops I have a point of view I'm not shy about sharing. what's funny is southern women are far more likely to breastfeed and it's NEVER been an issue.... I was told no one asks me to cover my "gay" when I leave the house and lemme tell you my "GAY" is ALWAYS an issue, breast feeding probably isn't going to get you beaten, chased, or killed but simply holding hands with a boyfriend can cause me serious harm up to and including death. I am forever vigilant about everyone in my vicinity and can never let my guard down. I had to fight every damn day all the way thru school and I never even said I was gay I certainly wasn't dating then, I look gay therefore I'm a target. no one sees you with a baby and says I may need to beat/kill her because she might whip out the boob and feed the kid. so pardon me if your issue doesn't mean squat to me, I respect your right to breastfeed but I stand by my comment that you should be discreet/modest, they even make bras for that so only the nipple has to be uncovered and the whole breast isn't on display and by the by I do NOT EVER go without a shirt in public (except when actually swimming which I haven't done in well over a decade) because it's disrespectful, that is the way I was raised and that includes in the house. none of the boys are allowed to run around bare-chested. this silly shit is what started the newest issue I apparently am clueless since I didn't know the tata top nipple bikini had anything to do with breastfeeding!

Head to a beach this summer and you might see a bunch of women walking around with their nipples on show. But, before you drop your ice-cream cone on the floor and gawk, know that all may not be as it first seems.
The women may very well be sporting the new TaTa Top - a bikini top with two pink nipples emblazoned onto the cups.
At first glance the top may seem like some hilarious prank, but dig slightly below the surface and its creators have a distinctly more feminist agenda.
tata top 1
While men are free to walk shirtless as they please, being topless if you're a woman is illegal in some American states.
With that in mind the bizarrely realistic garment has been created in order to tackle the lack of gender equality when it comes to bearing all.
On their website the makers of the bikini, Robyn Graves and Michelle Lytle, write: "Why can’t girls be topless? If you really think about it, what’s the difference between a man’s nipples and a woman’s? Is it really just the extra breast tissue? Is it the fact that women’s nipples are paired with a vagina?
"Is it the presence of a real and true female nipple bare to the world that is so offensive, that is so horrid that it must be kept covered?
"Who is this law protecting and what are they protecting them from? What message does it send to young women about their bodies? That they should be ashamed and keep them covered?"
Although not directly associated, the bikini hits (online) shelves in the wake of the #FreeTheNipple movement.
The campaign - originally started by filmmaker Lina Esco - has seen hundreds of women parade topless around New York to end gender-specific double standards
when I said if y'all wanna run nipples to the wind fine but I'm gonna wear this

a very tongue in cheek fun silly post but NOT for me apparently!

and just so you understand I'm not full of it or exaggerating here's a couple of articles............
The national hate crime statistics published each year by the FBI are notoriously sketchy, in large part because, as a 2005 Department of Justice study found, most hate crimes are never reported to police and those that are typically are not categorized as hate crimes by local jurisdictions. Nevertheless, by examining FBI data, it is possible to make reasonable estimates of the rates of victimization by various targeted minority groups.

To calculate these rates for six categories of victims — LGBT people, Jews, blacks, Muslims, Latinos and whites — the Intelligence Report first determined the percentage of the U.S. population represented by each victim group: LGBT people, 2.1%; Jews, 2.2% (Census Bureau’s 2009 Statistical Abstract); blacks, 12.9%; Muslims, 0.8% (2009 estimate from the Pew Research Center); Latinos, 15.8%; and whites, excluding Hispanic whites, 65.1%. Of these, the percentage of LGBT people in the American population is the most debatable. We use figures on self-identified gays, lesbians and bisexuals from a National Health and Social Life Survey that were also cited by a coalition of 31 leading gay rights organizations as “the most widely accepted study of sexual practices in the United States.” The 2.1% proportion is calculated from the finding that 2.8% of men and 1.4% of women are LGBT.

Next, we compiled the total number of hate crimes against persons (that is, excluding hate crimes against property) in those categories for the years 1995-2008, the period for which there was complete data. We then totaled the crimes for those 14 years in each category and calculated what percentage of all hate crimes against persons they represented. There were 15,351 anti-LGBT  hate crime offenses during those years, for instance, which amounts to 17.4% of the total of 88,463 reported violent hate crimes. The figures for the remaining victim groups were Jews, 7.7%; blacks, 41%; Muslims, 1.5%; Latinos, 8.8%; and whites, 13.3%.

Using the figures from the above two paragraphs, we then compared the level of hate crime aimed at each group to that group’s percentage in the population to determine the group’s rate of victimization compared to its representation in the population. For LGBT people, for example, it was calculated that they are victimized at 8.3 times the expected rate (17.4 divided by 2.1). The other categories were as follows: Jews were victimized at 3.5 times the expected rate, blacks at 3.2 times, Muslims at 1.9 times, Latinos at 0.6 times, and whites at 0.2 times.

Last, we compared the rate of victimization for LGBT people to that of the other groups. The figures show that LGBT people are 2.4 times more likely to suffer a violent hate crime attack than Jews (8.3 divided by 3.5). In the same way, gays are 2.6 times more likely to be attacked than blacks; 4.4 times more likely than Muslims; 13.8 times more likely than Latinos; and 41.5 times more likely than whites, according to the FBI figures. The basic pattern holds by years as well as across the years.

The bottom line: LGBT people are far more likely than any other minority group in the United States to be victimized by violent hate crime.
2.Gay Bullying Statistics:
According to recent gay bullying statistics, gay and lesbian teens are two to three times as more likely to commit teen suicide than other youths. About 30 percent of all completed suicides have been related to sexual identity crisis. Students who also fall into the gay, bisexual, lesbian or transgendered identity groups report being five times as more likely to miss school because they feel unsafe after being bullied due to their sexual orientation. About 28 percent out of those groups feel forced to drop out of school altogether. Although more and more schools are working to crack down on problems with bullying, teens are still continuing to bully each other due to sexual orientation and other factors.
In a 2005 survey about gay bullying statistics, teens reported that the number two reason they are bullied is because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender expression. The number one reason reported was because of appearance. Teens are at a pivotal point in their young adult lives when they are trying to find out who they are and who they are about to become as adults. This is why being teased, bullied and harassed is something that could negatively affect a person's self-esteem and view of themselves for the rest of their life.
In fact, about 9 out of 10 LGBT teens have reported being bullied at school within the past year because of their sexual orientation, according to the most recent gay bullying statistics. Out of those numbers, almost half have reported being physically harassed followed by another quarter who reported actually being physically assaulted.  Unfortunately most teens who experience bullying of any kind are reluctant to share their experience or report the incident to a teacher or trusted adult. Even more unfortunate are the gay statistics that report a lack of response among those teachers and school administration. According to a recent statistic, out of the students that did report a harassment or bullying situation because of their sexuality, about one third of the school staff didn't do anything to resolve the issue.
Types of Bullying and Bully Prevention:
There are several ways that bullying can take place including verbal, physical, cyberbullying and indirect bullying. Physically being bullied usually entails some sort of physical assault or attack, or can also include having one's personal property destroyed or stolen. Verbal bullying arises from name calling that may be done because of a person's gender, sexual orientation, minority status, race, religious, etc. Indirect bullying is one of the most common types of bullying is the type of bullying that many people may do without even realizing it. Indirect bullying includes spreading stories and rumors about a person behind his or her back as well as exclusion from social groups. Cyber bullying can also fall into the category of indirect bullying, but includes bullying that is done over any type of electronic medium like text messaging, email, pictures sent via text or email, websites, blogs, message boards, chat-rooms and instant messaging.
When it comes to bully prevention, it is important to remember that these gay bullying statistics will never go down if action isn't taken. This is why it is important for teens to report incidents they are victims of, or even if they witness a bullying event take place. Even if it seems that the adults will be unresponsive to take action, there are always other members of the school board or administration that can be addressed. It is important not to give up or the bullying cycle will continue.

FBI Report: Hate Crimes Against Gays Outnumber those Against Religion

FBI Report Hate Crimes
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Yahooligan! Welcome to Red Letter Christians! If you're new here, subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on the RLC Movement and/or sign up for the RLC newsletter!
This week a popular Christian magazine picked up on the recently released annual hate crime statistics report for 2011 from the FBI, noting that for the first time, hate crimes against gays outnumber those against religion. Incidents of religious bias previously outnumbered incidents of sexual orientation bias – but not any longer. Hate crimes against the LGBT community have taken the #2 spot on the Bureau’s list, with nearly 21% of over 7,240 incidents motivated by sexual-orientation bias.
Hate crimes against our LGBT brothers and sisters are on the rise.
Interestingly, this isn’t the first time the magazine has reported on hate crimes. A past article by the popular magazine included responses from Christian groups to a federal hate crimes law in 2009 that moved to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of federally prosecuted hate crimes.
That law, known as the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, is named in part for Matthew Shepard. The late Shepard was a gay 21 year-old Wyoming college student who had been targeted because he was gay :: He was subsequently robbed, pistol whipped, tortured and left for dead by two men.
He was found, tied to a fence. The woman who discovered his near-lifeless and blood-soaked body initially mistook him for a scarecrow.
The men who perpetuated this heinous act were found guilty – but not of a hate crime.
They weren’t charged with one, because no criminal statute provided for such a charge.
The hate crimes prevention act bearing his name had previously been dropped from a bill in 2007 due to strong opposition from the same groups who would later unsuccessfully oppose it two years later (when the bill was finally signed into law).
Related: Sexual Orientation – It’s Not a Sin by Kathy Vestal
Out of fear and falsely envisioning a world where pastors could be arrested for preaching against homosexuality, a number of Christian groups fought tirelessly to keep crimes against folks like Matthew Shepard  from being designated as ‘hate crimes’.
Others were dumbfounded by the opposition to a bill that would protect a percentage of the population against violence and hate crimes.
One was quoted as saying ::
I would think that the followers of Jesus would be first in line to protect any group from hate crimes. He was the one who intervened against religious violence aimed at the woman caught in the act of adultery.’
Religious leaders who are concerned about hate crimes legislation should separate out their views on homosexuality from what life is like for gays and lesbians in America,‘ another said. ‘They don’t have to agree with someone’s way of life in order to acknowledge that there are real threats to people that need to be addressed.’
Two years later, according to the report, hate crimes against the gay community are rising.
This is unacceptable – but also unsurprising.
Is it any wonder, when we respond out of fear in an us-versus-them mindset and treat a percentage of the population as ‘less than,’ Other or second-class-citizens, that there would be an increase in violence against that same group?
Even if those within the religious communities would condemn violent attacks on the LGBT community (as most did while simultaneously opposing the introduction of the Matthew Shepard Act), the very act of fighting against protecting the rights of a certain community will unintentionally lead to the abuse of that lack of protection.
As one friend recently pointed out here, violence against any person or people group can be boiled down to three simple steps ::
Step 1 :: Agree that it is OK to treat some people different than others.
Step 2 :: Agree that violence can be a useful tool to solve some problems.
Step 3 :: Apply that violence to other people you deem lesser than you using whatever criteria you choose.
Is that not the path to all forms of violence, really?
All acts of violence stem from the dehumanization of another.
If someone fails to celebrate the imago dei in another – fails to see them as a beautiful expression of the Divine even in spite of their differences – then it is not surprising that apathy, ignorance, intolerance and even violent responses would followThis trajectory is both inevitable (as we’ve seen in Uganda) and completely incompatible with the teachings of Jesus.
Also by Michael: Possibilities – Is this what got Jesus killed?
Obviously there are diverse theological views of the christian faith tradition regarding the morality of homosexuality.
Yet even when we disagree about a subject as controversial as sexuality, we should still look for a way to live together in harmony with all people.
Let us work tirelessly not to withhold certain rights from a select percentage of the population, nor to pass legislation that would keep any group at the margins of acceptance;
Rather, may we devote our time, energy, efforts and resources to the much greater work of seeing and celebrating the image of God stamped upon each and every person, and participating in reconciling all people toward his hesed love for all humanity.
For discussion :: The same friend I quoted in the article also asked these questions ::
If our churches marginalize gay people, are we complicit in these crimes? Does the rejection of gay people by the church sanctify, or put God’s stamp of approval, on the dehumanizing attitudes and actions toward gay people? These are important questions.’
Important questions indeed. What do you think?

Michael Kimpan is the author of the WayWard follower blog, a site designed to inspire thoughtful conversation and movement among followers of Jesus Christ. Michael works with The Marin Foundation in Chicago, a non-profit organization which works to build bridges between the LGBT community and the Church.
and lastly here's an article of common sense from  that I agree with.....

Breastfeeding - Should You Cover Up Or Not?

Feeding a baby is not shocking, but necessary. Unfortunately in some cultures, particularly in the Western world, feeding a baby at the breast IS seen as something shocking, even vulgar by some. To be fair, many people are simply unaccustomed to seeing a woman breastfeeding and so feel some discomfort around a nursing mother. For others, breastfeeding is an activity that belongs behind closed doors.

One the one hand, some proponents of breastfeeding feel that the only way to normalize the activity and affect a change in the collective consciousness is to proceed normally, and not behave as if nursing is something that needs to be hidden away.

Others feel that they can't do much to change the opinions of uninformed individuals. They may decide to avoid offending others by using some sort of nursing cover up when feeding their baby. No approach is right, it depends on the situation and the feelings of the mother.

Some things to keep in mind when using a nursing cover up:

A large blanket tossed over mom's shoulder screams "we're nursing under here!" A better choice would be a lightweight receiving blanket that, instead of being worn over the shoulder, is placed behind the baby's back and pulled up over his head so that mom is covered. There are also specially designed, lightweight nursing covers that attach to mom's neck. These are available in a lot of cute fabrics and designs and fold up easily in a diaper bag or purse. Some of these are stiff at the top so that mom can see baby's face while nursing, preserving some of the closeness and communication between mom and baby.

Many moms find that using a baby sling, which is a soft cloth baby carrier that the mother wears on her body, is even more effective as a nursing cover up. A ring sling like the Maya Wrap can easily accommodate a nursing infant. The piece of fabric that holds the baby - the pouch - can be pulled up to cover baby's head easily. The tail of the sling can also be used to cover the baby's head or any exposed breast.

Young babies are often easy to nurse discreetly, but older babies sometimes develop habits that make discreet nursing harder. For instance, some babies refuse to be covered up. Others begin playing with mom's other nipple. If your baby begins doing this, you might want to discourage it strongly if discreet nursing is important to you. It's very difficult to get him to stop once this habit is deeply entrenched.

Nursing cover ups can also be helpful in the case of babies who are easily distracted at the breast, which is common when babies reach around 8 or 9 months of age. Sometimes mom has such a hard time getting baby settled down to nurse that she gets uncomfortably full, which can lead to problems with plugged ducts or mastitis.

Breastfeeding is gaining more acceptance as more people become aware of its benefits, but we may still be a couple of generations before it is common to see women nursing in public. Until then, nursing cover ups can prove to be helpful in keeping moms and babies breastfeeding longer.

on the food side of my day:
chili with saltines
2 slices pepperoni pizza
topping off 1 slice bacon pizza
handful of Cheetos

Thursday, June 26, 2014


great video for sing by ed sheeran

had a cray/cray busy night no clue where they were coming from and it was coming a hellasious storm to boot! proved what I always say people in de haven't got the sense to come in out of the rain! LMAO

and that IS freedom y'all!

unfortunately and y'all know this to be true for people in the weight wars there simply is no happy medium.....that's kinda where I am and that means at best a standstill but could be worse and be a regain!

on the food front I had ....
3 turkey burgers on English muffins over the course of the day
1/2 a packet of lipton noodles
banana nut muffin
5 deluxe grahams
5 chicken tenders (TINY ones!)

today is my last day on the antibiotics and the gum finally seems to be healing so no detist visit required YIPPIE!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

blogger = booger

yep blogger has become a booger and not a heather! ! (movie joke, do y'all get it? ) it just has issue after issue I haven't been able to post pics or vids in months by adding them I have to save my post go to what I want copy come back to post then paste. UGH   the last 2 days it only shows 1 of the blogs I follow and has a show more option that simply doesn't work! so if I normally comment and I haven't so sorry blame booger! lolol

heathers refers to the movie heathers starring Wynona rider the "mean/popular" girls were all named heather. a couple of seasons ago on rupauls drag race a group started calling themselves heathers and being mean to the queens they deemed unworthy calling them boogers. why is beyond me because the heathers were horrid in both cases!

this one's a work in progress for me!
Photo: this ones a work in progress!

lets see I ate:
deluxe grahams (8)
grilled cheese (2)
ham and swiss wrap with bacon
peanut butter on saltines (5)
cheese on saltines (4)
I got 8795 steps (would have been more but I tweaked my ankle)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

eating slow

I've always eaten slow and when I say slow I mean S......L......O........W like hours to finish a meal, especially if I'm enjoying it. my grandma ate slow and always felt she was bein rushed so I learned to eat even slower when I used to take her out to eat to make her comfortable and I have no desire to scarf down food like a starving hound. if I get chicken tenders at work it'll take me 3 to 4 hours to eat 5 tenders. like my dominos feast it took me all day. did the same thing this morning I fixed pigs in a blanket which was a pack of nathans beef hot dogs and a can of grands biscuits I fixed them at 6am and finished them at 10pm lol that was my food for the day. since then I ate 6 deluxe grahams and a handful of Cheetos.
I say all of this because I found this on facebook and thought it was funny and TRUE!
Photo: Last chances to take our personality test and bag yourself a free book!


Monday, June 23, 2014

follow up

well despite my best efforts a follow up at the dentist is gonna be needed. the heat is gone and the swelling of the jaw but the gum just in front of the extraction site is swollen and tender. mayhaps there is some root or bone fragments. it'll be 2 weeks wed so I need it taken care of asap. my fear I have to start all over on the healing process or they're gonna have to slice my gums to get to whatever the issue is. I have a high pain tolerance but a scaple to my gum MENTALLY doesn't sound to good to me! my roomie already has an apt the afternoon and I have a reading this morning so I'm hopeful they can fit us in around the same time for the moral support.
I have been jonesing for pizza and such all week and I saved enough money to have just that and I must say it was soooooooooooooo very disappointing!
I decided to do all my food for the day from the menu and just nosh and watch movies/play WOW. well the specialty chicken looks amazing so I opted for that as 1 option

looks yummy right! not so much the cheese was all UNDER the chicken and burned yeah that's the black stuff in the photo! there's mayhaps 2 chicken tenders chopped up and no buffalo flavor either. for $5.99 I certainly expected more, more chicken, more flavor, just MORE!

so lets talk about my day long pizza party..............
med pizza with bacon/ham on thin crust (1/2)
specialty buffalo chicken pizza
parmesean bread bites (16)
chicken alfredo
I also ate a handful of Cheetos
I know it sounds like a lot but I spread this from 11am till almost 6pm when I went to bed so not too much quantity wise,carb wise is another story entirely but no regrets other than wastng $5.99 gonna contact dominos later and complain.
as for steps I walked from my room to the bathroom and to get ice/diet dew a couple of times other than that I had my feet propped up my epic record breaking steps apparently just took an extra day to make the dogs bark! LMAO whatcha gonna do?
Photo: so choose! so now we , I, just need to make a choice and stick with it FROM THICK TO THIN!

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Photo: Somebody needs to hear this. Pass it on! —
it really depends on your viewpoint, success/failure, half empty/half full! I choose to be an optimist , now not a pie in the sky airhead but one with common sense. if I put in the work I get the result, SIMPLE! and yet so damn hard and fraught with complications for so many of us. I have been maintaining beautifully so now I KNOW I can do portion control. the next step would be and shall be to implement a plan for the final push.............but my dear sweet brilliant friend lori  had the brilliant idea to celebrate each small 10 pound increment as a "goal" weight. I like that, it doesn't seem nearly as daunting to say in 10 pounds i'll be in ONEDERLAND as in 45 pounds i'll be at my ideal weight! so I'm gonna steal errrr ummmm borrow that idea and work on getting to 199 as the goal for now, as for a physical goal I want to do a 5k in under 50 minutes.............I know that's turtle slow but for a 46 year old guy with a bum knee it's 6 minutes faster than the one I did last year. mayhaps losing the extra weight will help speed me up!

foodwise I did ok:
2 hot dogs
double cheeseburger
handful of Cheetos
krispy kreme glazed (1)
turkey biscuit
cheeseburger on garlic bread
 and now for a hardy har har

Saturday, June 21, 2014

dead flesh

that got your attention didn't it! lmao but tis NOT a bait and switch title it's TIM doin TMI AGAIN!
my crater where my tooth was pulled has been giving me fits, the antibiotics have helped but the pain was still there, bearable but ever-present. well last night at work I felt something shift in front of the gum which is swollen and tender and I pulled on it and pushed and felt something moving so I was sucking real hard and "POP" (dirty dirty minds! lol) and a piece of dead flesh about the size of a sunflower seed popped out of the hole in my gum. GROSS , it also had a bitter taste. so hopefully that is what has been causing the infection/pain. I do know it relieved the pressure and I feel better than I have in over a week. so YIPPIE! gonna keep taking the meds and call the dentist back Monday as scheduled.
as for food it's nice to be able to eat semi-normal again , I still have to chew on the left side as I don't want anything getting into the hole in my gum but that's no biggie at all.
I ate:
hamburger (2)
hot dog (1)
little Debbie oatmeal pie
biscuit with turkey (2)
I also walked my little tootsies all over creation last night/yesterday for a total of  24,940 steps! that's probably a record for me at least since I've been tracking. surprisingly my feet don't hurt at all!
so far I have none of these symptoms for my food intake today! lmao

Photo: This does not apply to Latino food! lol jk #digilatino #belatino

Friday, June 20, 2014


well I got in touch with my dentist and ruled out dry socket (thank goodness!) he thinks it's a low level infection so I'm on amoxicillian for the next 7 days. if it's not all better by Monday they want me to come fingers crossed and just waiting to see.
the gum actually feels a little better and not as "hot" and I'm only finished with day 1 so YEAH!
on the food side of it:
meatballs (2)
garlic bread (2)
nutter butter (1/2)
salsbury steak
canned biscuits
oatmeal pie (little Debbie)
 no clue about my steps I forgot to reset it but BUSY night with a grocery order to put up.

today I want to give a shout out to some people who inspire/motivate me and give em a BIG ole thank ya kindly!
1.the unstoppable Richard Simmons
2.Aaron Star of hot nude yoga
3. Tara Costa
4.Dolphina of the Goddess Workout
5.Timothy l Martin..............yep that's right. I am one of my heros and I have done things I thought impossible, when I stopped using that horrid word and changed it to I'M POSSIBLE!

FAT to FIT - and fabulous's photo.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


well hopefully I turned a corner with the healing process, I only had to use the anbesol once all night and only took 1 aleve and I'm feelin pretty good, so for this morning I'm going to keep my yap shut let it rest , rinse with salty water every couple of hours, and do some Reiki, I should have been doing reiki all week but alas I have done it a couple of times. healers need to self heal way more than we do! lol
on a haha note I dropped into the dollar tree (a everything is $1store) to get snack stuff and found a joan rivers dvd so I grabbed it, now joan is an acquired taste but I've adored her as long as I can remember. imagine my surprise when I got home and it's 2 discs! I watched the 1st yesterday so i'll watch the other one today. then I'm taking some Benadryl so i'll have to sleep (it knocks me on my arse!) I intend to feel better gosh darn it!
on the food side.....
hamburger helper
chicken tenders
oreo cookie (yes just 1) lol
banana nut muffin
1/2 bag bugles (sm bag of course!) I keep forgetting to list my steps so my steps were 15,217 , we have a music festival in dover the next four days (firefly) so it was super busy!

sometimes I need a reminder as to why I do this...

and by golly that fat bastard is reminder enough. I HATED myself then, I couldn't do anything without wheezing and feeling faint, my whole world revolved around feeding my fat face, and I was merely existing...................UGH!

this is me now and I LOVE me, I do stuff, I have friends, shoot I even did a 5k last year (gonna do one this year too!) now I LIVE!
and that's why i'll never give up even though I'm not doing a formal plan now I am doin protion control and I have maintained my weight between 208-209 pounds for several months now. I will eventually get back into high gear but I'm on a much needed diet-sabbatical that I don't regret at all.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


somebodys watching me anna waronker.............quirk and talent. somebody to keep an eye on she's gonna either be HUGE or a crazy cult chick , too soon to tell!

I am so very tired of bein tired! my gums are still healing but honestly it's been a week is that normal for having a tooth pulled? if it doesn't feel better I'm gonna have to call the dentist but here's the rub it was (after insurance ) $124 for the extraction , x-rays etc. anywho todays check is short about that much because I missed a day so I simply cant afford to go back in for a recheck. using aleve and anbesol, it is better than it was justnot that much and I haven't slept good since I had it done because I cant get comfortable.
 at least I can sorta eat normal foods at least semi-soft stuff. of course I want pork skins, and biscotti, and nuts oh my id' kill for cashews right now but if I damage the gum where it's healing or something were to get stuck in their I'd be in so much worse shape. I got banannas (potassium cant hurt) and honet carrots, and salsbury steaks and stuff like that so I can at least get some good nutrients in me.

yesterday I ate:
peanut butter
1/4 lb beef hot dog with cheese
cheeseburger slider (2 = 1 cheeseburger)
pigs in a blanket
banana muffin

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

FMM: lets get sporty

Friend Makin’ Mondays: Let’s get sporty

Friend Makin’ Mondays
Welcome to another week of Friend Makin’ Mondays, hope you had a great weekend.
If you’ve taken part in FMM before then you are familiar with the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to read and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
I’ve been busy watching the World Cup so thought we would talk about Sports this week.
2014-06-14 14.33.14
Getting ready to watch England v Italy
1. Are you following the World Cup? If so which team are cheering on?
nope not at all..............the only positive thing I can say about soccer is the guys are hot and like to get naked a LOT! lol
2. What is your favorite sport to watch either on TV or in person?
I'd rather watch paint dry on the wall at least it's pretty! so NONE!
3. Which local team (regardless of sport) do you support?
none could not possibly care less.
4. What is your favorite sport to play?
I HATE sports, jocks have always been cruel and vicious to me...............I suppose i'll say swimming at least in a non competitive way it's FUN!
5. Were you ever in a sports team?
God NO! openly gay in the south, thank goodness we didn't have dodgeball I'd have been the target
6. Have you ever traveled a long distance to see your team play?
I don't have a team so that's a BIG no!
7. Do you have a favorite stadium/sports venue you have been to?
I suppose the O-rena in Orlando (no idea what they're calling it now). I saw Tina so many times there
8. What is your favorite food you associate with sporting events?
I don't associate any food with sports I really do HATE sports, but I guess for most folks in America hot dogs are synonymous with baseball
9. Do you have a favorite sporting song?
we are the champions by Queen
the best by tina turner
10. Is there a sporting event you would like to go to in another country?
hmmmmmm I like sporty lads but couldn't care less about the actual sport. lol

Now it is your turn to go answer them on your blog and don’t forget to come back here and link up in the comments and go and share the FMM love with other readers.
Have a great day
Sarah xxx
wowsa this one I didn't have one good answer at all, as an openly gay man who was tormented by jocks all the way thru school I LOATHE sports! personally I think they should ban all sports in high school/college and focus on what you're supposed to be doing filling your head with knowledge................sorry if I'm a downer on this one y'all mayhaps I should have simply skipped it but you take the good with the bad and keep smiling! lol

Monday, June 16, 2014

we ARE young! an epiphany

y'all please watch these two videos it just showcases what the exact same thing bein said can be completely different due to perspective! LOVE both!

                                                                         WE ARE YOUNG! no matter our age in our hearts and I'm glad I still feel like a child at 46. I don't wanna complain about anything today and I shant! I'm feelin better and getting there so BRAVO! it's a process and that's ok I'm glad to be able to live the process !

I was finally able to eat normal food with no issues! YEAH BABY!
ham biscuit
Stromboli with pepperoni, bacon, ham, and meatballs (1/2 i'll have the rest for lunch today)
ham sandwich
one of those tiny mini bags of doritos
handful of puffed corn
bowl of sugar pops no milk


yep, I did, I do, I shall, the world is my world I make it into what I want it to be and nothing and no one can stop me............why? because I control my DESTINY!

Photo: yep, I did, I do, I shall, the world is my world I make it into what I want it to be and nothing and no one can stop me............why? because I control my DESTINY!

it feels good to be so sure and positive , I cant tell you why but when I woke up it was simply different, I guess that's an epiphany! lol

An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, "manifestation, striking appearance") is an experience of sudden and striking realization. Generally the term is used to describe scientific breakthrough, religious or philosophical discoveries, but it can apply in any situation in which an enlightening realization allows a problem or situation to be understood from a new and deeper perspective. Epiphanies are studied by psychologists[1][2] and other scholars, particularly those attempting to study the process of innovation.[3][4][5]
Epiphanies are relatively rare occurrences and generally follow a process of significant thought about a problem. Often they are triggered by a new and key piece of information, but importantly, a depth of prior knowledge is required to allow the leap of understanding.[3][4][6][7] Famous epiphanies include Archimedes's discovery of a method to determine the density of an object ("Eureka!") and Isaac Newton's realization that a falling apple and the orbiting moon are both pulled by the same force

Sunday, June 15, 2014

a "proper" blog?

so committing to blogging every day for a year certainly didn't seem like such a daunting task on day 1, but alas 6 months later it is. I seem to run out of ideas/steam pretty often and feel like I'm cheating y'all and myself of a "proper" blog  with info, antecdotes, advice, inspiring crap and such ~giggle~  but alas I shall confess I'm just not 100% with the whole fitness thing right now and I am letting myself be distracted and impacted so much easier than I used to. part of it is I'm just busy and tired and part of it is that comingup with a topic every single day and putting a good quality "product" out there just aint happening. so I post these "mini" blogs just so I can meet my quota. UGH! makes me feel like a slave to the masses in some ways but this was something I choose freely and there's also something to be said for sticking with what you planned and meeting goals and obligations too!
it's funny there are other things I do EVERY single day and I LOVE it, like I post an artist of the day on my facebook page. and I thoroughly enjoy it, I actually just posted day/artist 223 and I NEVER tire of picking videos, finding new artists, hunting down obscure tracks , etc and I'm probably the only person who even watches em but I don't care it's what can I do to make this blog fun again. mayhaps I need to pull my head out of the sand and focus on my wellness, but that doesn't sound "fun" does it?! lmao I shall simply one of these days wake up and pull myself out of 'funky-town" (not the cool disco one! lol) and get back to basics. I'm not sure when/why it became such a bore/chore but the only thing to do is DO IT! I know and understand that and my head keeps trying to convince my heart to join the do y'all keep health fresh and fun or blogging for that matter. mayhaps that's why I've seen so many I love simply fade away and never return.

 BIG sigh, enough introspection how about something fun!

I have hundreds but here are a few faves!
Dune, Fried Green Tomatoes, Charlies Angels, LOTR, Big Trouble In Little China, Labirynth, Willow, Romy and Michelles High School Reunion, Xanadu, Fire and Ice, Wolf, An American Werewolf in London..., Cant Stop the Music, Cursed, the Lost Boys, Golden Child, Last Dragon, Kung Fu Hustle, Kull, Rooster Cogburn, Independence Day, Big Jake, Harry Potter series, Clash of the Titans (original)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

slow going

patience is NOT a virtue for me, it's a chore and a hardship that drives me nuts. but alas it tis what it tis! lol

and here we are, my poor jaw is still sore but it's localized now to the area the tooth came out of. work is still a bit rough mainly because I cant do ice packs or rinse with salt water every few hours as ordered and my job involves speaking for the whole shift so no down time for resting a weary jaw.
food is still an issue as nothing tastes good or chews easy. I ate...............
chef Boyardee beef ravioli
cashews ( a REAL challenge but GREAT as an anti-depressant and I could feel this getting to me)
sugar pops with milk
krispy kreme glazed
hot dog
I am HUNGRY and as soon as I finish this I shall go to the store (they open at 6am) I have nary a clue what I shall get but I just want comfort foods at this point.
Photo: one step at a time, one day at a time, one pound at a time, whatever the case may be just keep going. stationary equals dead!

Friday, June 13, 2014


other than feeling like I've been kicked in the face by a mule I'm ok! lololol
I FINALLY managed to eat some food but nothing tastes good or at all so I'm craving SPICY food which is a no-no. I refused the pain meds (stupidly) because I just don't like how I feel when I take that stuff. I also only took one day off work which mayhaps was the bigger misfire. I went in solely because we had a truck come in well bending and lifting are when it hurts BAD! and I probably shouldn't be doin either  I know by the end of my shift ( I left 1/2 hour early) my swelling was worse and my ear was throbbing it hurt so bad. I got everything done for the most part sometimes I wistfully wish I could be one of those lazxy gad-abouts who feels no sense of responsibility or guilt but alas tis simply not in my nature. I CARE DAMN IT! lmao

I had :
Vienna sausage
Klondike caramel bites (YUCK NOT what I expected!)
chicken tenders
chef Boyardee ravioli
couple of slices of beef bologna
I'm supposed to be eating soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, and applesauce but I DESPISE soft foods and would just as soon go hungry. it's a texture thing for me.

remember this the next time you compare yourself to another!

Thursday, June 12, 2014


well I had my tooth pulled yesterday and it kinda sucks lol . actually I had a great dr and they squeezed me in so I'm very thankful. the pulling its-self was totally pain free. the bloody gauze was icky and not being able to drink thru a straw was horrid! I haven't NOT used a straw in probably 15 years. I always use one of those huge insulated cups so my ice stays frozen. I also wasn't really able to eat for most of the day and sleeping was difficult. I was gonna sleep in the recliner but of course (thnk you murphy!) we had company and guess where they're sleeping. lmao so I had to prop up 7 pillows in the corner of my bned against the wall and try to sleep but I kept sliding off and tasting blood when it would start to seep again. feelin good right now the ache has set in but I think I'm past the worst of it. I of course choose not to get a script for pain as I really don't like feelin loopy at all so I'm taking ibuprphen . as far as eating that's been a no-no as well and I'm not supposed to eat hot food for 24 hours so I made hamburger helper lasangna (one of my fave things!) and I'm letting it get cold while I do my morning social media updates.
so for today I ate:
hamburger helper
garlic bread
pulled pork bbq in a wrap
star crunch
that's all and I got no steps to speak of because it hurt to move a little bit.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

darn it to heck

darn it to heck I had a filling fall out and take the back half of a tooth with it last night when I was brushing my teeth. now thank goodness here's no pain but it's making my poor tongue raw like hamburger and I cant chew on that side of my mouth. gotta check my dental plan and see if there are any Drs in the area. it's new insurance and I haven't used the dental yet. thankful though cause it could be so much worse.
I ate :
chicken tenders
krispy kreme glazed (1)
pulled pork bbq
that's it cause I'm trying to avoid food/drink on the damaged tooth as much as possible.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

not giving up[

I'm starting to miss a regime which is something I NEVER thought I would I guess when you've been in the weight loss wars as long as me you just get bored and tired of always counting/journaling/thinking and so I stopped and I've enjoyed my time of freedom but I feel that's coming to an end and I'm gonna gear up for that FINAL battle. I probably have three days worth of food to use up (I'm not throwing it away) so I have that amount of time to pick a plan any plan just so I have some structure. most likely atkins as the carbs are bad for me even in moderation I can tell when I'm eating them I feel lethargic and off.
today was a crazy carb day!
medium thin crust pizza white sauce with chicken and bacon
garlic knots with garlic butter (16)
chicken alfredo............these 3 items were 1 meal (I told you CRAZY!)
pulled pork bbq sandwich (2)
peanut butter cookies (12)
fried chicken 8 piece ( 2 breasts, 2 thighs, 2 legs, 2 wings)
I haven't binged like that in ages and I can feel it my feet are starting to swell from all the sodium and my joints are getting achy. definitely gonna be an UGH so I'm gonna take some aleve and hopefully head off the worst of it at the pass. not sure what came over me but I was just in binge mode and took me a the better part of the day to take ahold of myself. it seems like a LOT but compared to the binges of old it's really not. an old school binge for me was insane...................large meat lovers pizza, chicken tenders, breadsticks, large bag of chips, king size baby ruth and of course wash it down with a 2litre DIET soda! and that was one sitting for supper then I'd go to hardees and get at least 6 meat biscuits for breakfast and do wendys for lunch plus several snacks in between. I'm guessing I used to put away around 4500  to 5000 calories a day easy.
whats done is done and I'm fine with it since I cant change it there's no point in fretting myself into an emotional state triggering another binge. I've simply grabbed my bootstraps and am yanking hard which is good keeps my hands full so I can't shovel more food down my gullet! the worst of it is I'm soooooooooooooooo darn sleepy but I simply need to stay up because I have to work at 10pm so I need to be awake overnight till at least 10am........................PPPFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT this is gonna be difficult! lolol cest le vie I did it to myself so I have to deal myself!

I shall never give up or throw in the towel but my oh my I wish he would!

Monday, June 9, 2014

love me some adore Delano, the girl can SANG!

Friend Makin’ Mondays

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to another Friend Makin’ Mondays. This week’s questions come to you courtesy of Tyra at Random Acts of Snark. Thanks Tyra. If you want to help out with questions fee free to email me at
If you’ve taken part in FMM before then you are familiar with the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to read and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
Random Questions
1.What is your favorite way to waste time at work without getting caught?
I haven't any time to waste I stay busy, when I worked at Waldenbooks I loved to read during slow times.
2. What would be the title of your autobiography?
Becoming Mwah ( a tale of woe and triumph of the human spirit)
3. When you were at school, what did you want to be when you grew up?
a teacher but alas it wasn't meant to be, probably a good thing. I have taught metaphysical classes (reiki, shamanic drumming) and taught hiv prevention classes for the red cross and pre ged classes for adults. it just didn't take the form I imagined. as a gay man teaching small children would be fraught with risk as some people as so damn scared they think we're all pedophiles. (you can teach children anything but you'd have to be a surgeon to remove some folks heads from their ass! )
4. If you could invent a gadget, what would it be and why?
a mat that would shock guys at the urinal when it got wet (drunks have lousy aim!) oh and lest we forget the "ladies" a gun that shoots a 'head to toe shroud to cover up anyone who is wearing skeezy/slutty clothes (of ANY size. NOT picking on heavy girls here) cause I don't wanna be a gynecologist so I shouldn't have to see your ho-ha!
5. What is your favorite quote?
" I MUST NOT FEAR.FEAR IS THE MIND-KILLER" from Dune. I love it so much it's tattooed on my left arm.
6. What is the best meal you have every had?
hmmmmm tough one. there was a thai place in florida that had the most amazing teriyaki glazed salmon steak and sweet baby carrots, but there pad thai was also terrific. it would def be thai food!

7. If you could choose your age forever, what age would you choose and why?
25, I was a gym rat and had a bangin body!
8. What TV game show would you like to go on?
ok well I'm gonna age myself here as most have probably never heard of it but Match Game (they do a spoof version called snatch game on rupauls drag race)
9. If you had one day to live over again, what day would it be?
as far as a being happy transformative day my first firewalk, to change something the day my mama died so I could tell her don't get in that car!
10. You are planning the most awesome dinner party of your life. Which 3 celebrities/historical figures (past or present) would you add to you guest list?
Elvira Mistress of the Dark, Nicolas Tesla, David (the model who posed for davinci)
Thanks again Tyra for the great questions. Now it is your turn to go answer them on your blog and don’t forget to come back here and link up in the comments and go and share the FMM love with other readers.
Have a great day
Sarah xxx

Sunday, June 8, 2014

FMM on a sunday (only a week late!)

Friend Makin Mondays
First off apologies for not posting last Monday, with it being Memorial Day I completely forgot. However I am back now and this week’s questions come from Stephanie over at Athlete At Heart. I would love to feature more questions from my readers, so feel free to send me a topic or list of questions and I will happily mention you when I post them. You can contact me at
If you’ve taken part in FMM before then you are familiar with the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to read and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
The Next
1. What is the next movie you want to see?
I'm actually going to see driving miss daisy starring angela landsbury and james earl jones. it was an Australian production and they filmed it.
2. What is the next book you want to read?
the 16th Dresden files novel skin game came out this month and amazon FINALLY got it here (a week late, what was the point of preordering to get in on the release date if they didn't ship it till a week later???)

3. What is the next trip/vacation you are going to take?
I have nay a clue probably down south to visit my family in bama or my bestie who's in atlanta
4. What is the next restaurant you want to try?
well it's slim pickins here in dover mainly chains and such , the next one I'm eating at will be cheddars as I'm having lunch with a fried tomorrow

5. What is the next workout you are going to do?
I am bound and determined to get to my gym tonight after tarot group so that's the goal, a full circuit.
6. What is the next task you are going to complete?
working on creating my own tarotish deck. I have the blank cards so I need to make prototypes
7.What is the next hobby you want to try?
I've read tarot and such for 20 years but I want to delve into astrology, I have several LARGE books and some astro dice so now I just need time/motivation! lol
8. What is the next big event you will attend?
the annual Nanticoke powwow here in del or pagan pride not sure which comes first off the top of my head. I'd LOVE to go to the twin peaks festival or the teen wolf one but alas I'm all outta vaca time and funds! lol
9. What type of animal do you want as your next pet?
I grew up with dogs so I have always had dogs unfortunately I developed an allergy last year and had to get rid of my Divonna (Chihuahua) I'm not really a cat person right now I have a spider, scorpion, and a fish (a feeder fish that survived the crab that craoked) mayhaps a turtle but I'm not sure.

10. What is the next topic you would like to see on Friend Makin Mondays?
dealing with daily 'fat" issues, like mayhaps clothes, resturants, etc etc
I am excited to see you answers for this one
Now it is your turn to answer the questions, don’t forget to come back here and link your answers in the comments below, and also go and check out other peoples answers on their blogs too.
Have a great day
Sarah xxx

Saturday, June 7, 2014


12,213 steps and my poor tootsies are feelin every one! lol
BUSY BUSY BUSY night at work but we made it and thats' all that matters.
I ate:
chicken tenders (5)
potato wedges (3 tiny ones, I HATE the big ones)
garlic chips
ham biscuit
chili no beans
boston cream donut
high in carbs today and I can tell I'm fading fast!

Friday, June 6, 2014

back to work

heigh ho heigh ho ....................
back to work OH NO! lol
I don't need a degree in dream interpretation to understand the one I had tonight!................
I was at work but it was covered in dust/vines the others took off and left me with a HUGE line of people before I even counted in my register the people were angry and rushing me. I was having to pull vines away from the register to even get to it and the counter and the till was full of dust/grime so I was having to dig the money out to even count it.........................yep it's the 1st night back from vaca and murphy has targeted my ass I'm pretty sure! LMAO that's ok buddy I'm ready for you bring it on!!!

it was bad but I was all geared up so I dealt with it fine and I work tonight and sat and then I'm off for 2 days so not too shabby!
food wise ok..............
garlic cheesy bread chips
pigs in a blanket (a BIG weakness LOVE em!)
chicken tenders (5 small)

2 sausage biscuits
unfrosted blueberry pop tart (1)
I got 10, 066 steps so I did my daily (barely) lol
went and saw a million ways to die in the west and I enjoyed it. definitely a guy movie, unless you're a bawdy broad (think jenny macarthy on mtv) it's so dumb it's funny. I took Xavier and johnny (his best friend) who are 16 and 18 so perfect F'd up flick for them!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

vaca over

well the vaca is over so it's back to the "real" world. so I gassed up the car, laundry is in the dryer, alarm clock is set. BIG sigh, this week went so fast! lolol don't they always! I actually had a great time and for those not keeping up here's the cliff note version...........went to 3 movies 1. maleficent (magnificent) 2. Godzilla (he's back!) , 3. a million ways to die in the west (lmao)
had a cook out for my bday (burgers, chicken breast, hot dogs)
watched the 1st 2 seasons of the love boat (LOVE this show) as a side note I have to contract amazon and return it one episode stuck and the 1st disc of season 2 wouldn't load.
went to cheddars for dinner
the only thing I didn't accomplish was reading the latest Dresden book amazon is apparently having issues as their deliver time sucks as of late. you'd think that raising the price of free delivery to $35 they'd be on top of it. I pre-ordered the book so It'd get it LAST Tuesday and according to them it'll be delivered review of this transaction will be SCATHING! lol

sometimes genetics mean I have to work twice as hard as everyone else, so I decided on twice the inspiration!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


well so much for belly dancing yesterday. I fell asleep and woke up just in time to take Damien to see Godzilla as promised (there are 3 kids in my house and I take great pains to show NO favoritism at all!) I took Sabrina to cheddars , so Damien to Godzilla, and tonight I'm taking Xavier to see a million ways to die in the west.
today is the last (SOB) day of my vaca so yesterday I was kinda boke (check dropped at midnight tues) so I snuck soda/snacks in in my bag. lol
well gets to the food portion now:
oatmeal pie
soft taco (beef, cheese, sour cream ) 3
hamburger on English muffin  4 (two in morning and 2 last night)
handful (literally) bbq chips
I haven't been getting many steps since I'm not working but I did park at the very far end of the mall and walk to the theatre to get some extra in...............ok it was an accident but damn it I took the steps so I'm taking credit BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

shedding the fat suit one pound at a time!