BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

something is missing.............

something is missing in my journey and that's a partner, no not a romantic partner just someone I can talk to about progress, failures and the lot. this blog is fine as a vent and a record and don't get me wrong I love the comments but I just want people I can work out with, go for walks, swap recipes, etc etc IN PERSON in that moment and I know that's why I keep going back to weight watchers. for the meetings their plan doesn't work for me at all, it's too carb loaded and has too many veggies/fruits which I don't like and wont eat (NEVER BLEECH)
so basically I paid $40 just to feel human connection, thats' expensive and kinda sad.
I'm gonna have to look around and see if I can find somewhere to host a weightloss group, my place is out too many kids not enough room. lol mayhaps a bookstore we'll see, but I HAVE to de something because I'm sick and tired of walking this road all by my lonesome...........the cyber world is wonderful but sometimes you just need to "FEEL" a person!
on the eating front I had....
glazed donut
chicken tenders (5)
2 doriotos , yes 2 of the new blue jacked YUCKY! lol
gardettos bacon/cheddar crackers
chicken breast
 scrambled egg with cheese
2 coconut dream cookies chocolate covered (ICKY)
accidentaly erased my steps but was a BUSY night so probably a few more than usual.

on the world front I was so saddened by maya angelo's passing, she was an angel among us and will be missed.............................(here's a fave poem)
"Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise."

... picture quotes maya angelou maya angelou quotes Maya Angelou pictures


  1. Timmy, when I am feeling better, I will make time to come up there and walk with you, hang out, anything. I love you and greatly enjoy your company!

    1. thanks darling I'm feelin better today I was just bein petulant

  2. I totally feel ya on this one. Most of my friends and family live elsewhere in the outs are lonely sometimes unmotivated time. would love to have a neighbor with a similar schedule to mine that actually likes walking, jogging but most of the neighbors have kids, are in their 80's, or like to drink A LOT of alcohol.

  3. Still I Rise is one of my favorites
    finding a buddy/mentor that balances out is difficult but would be more than worth the effort.
    it's hard always to be strong and feeling as if you are alone in this journey.
    having someone to walk beside us on these journeys would improve our outlook.
    my problem is that i'm basically an introvert and Cancer is my sign.
    i pop in and out of my shell too much

  4. If there's a T.O.P.S. or Overeaters Anonymous group in your town, they might be a better place to get support than WW. But as you say, you can also start your own group. Some libraries have meeting rooms you can book for free or have "chit-chat" areas. Good luck :)


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!