BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

surrender and walela

well I officially give up. I woke up last night with my lips swollen and cracked and feeling totally dehydrated. water wasn't doing a gol darned thing so I just said F it and started pounding Gatorade. the good news is between that and the vitamin c drops I feel slightly better this morning. I got some mucinex max strength multi symptom cold/sinus so that should cover all the bases, still doin airborne 3 times a day and increasing the garlic to 40,000mg.
what all this is doin to my diet is obvious I suppose but lets add another layer, my tummy has been ick all night and the only thing to calm it is crackers and warm coke (diet) . I really didn't want to post a blah downbeat tale of woe but alas I committed to posting every single day and so I shall!

this is rita Coolidge and her sister and niece. they are of Cherokee ancestry and the harmony is splendid!


  1. I am bummed for you! It is rotten when you are in a good place mentally to get with the program and these unforeseen and uncontrollable forces mess you us. Take care of yourself and try not to worry about calories & carbs right now.

  2. Some days are down and blah....say what you need to say and get it off your chest! However, I didn't find your post blah and down....I found it honest and real!


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!