BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Monday, February 10, 2014

keepin on, fmm (2 weeks worth) and robert mirabal

still fighting this bug haven't got actually sick yet but I've been cold and that's a sure sign something is off kilter. continuing to garlic/airborne/netti pot/vitamin c and added some ibuprofen to the mix because I feel like I'm getting a fever.
eating was spotty
chicken breast
chicken salad
salt and pepper skins
bbq skins
dinner roll (only 1)
probably had another half dozen vitamin c drops and didn't find the sugar free ones cest le vie, not gonna stress over staying ahead of an illness!

Quick and Easy Questions
1.  What time did you go to bed last night?  noonish
2.  What is the last thing that made you smile?  I had an amazing visionary dream yesterday
3.  What is the last movie you watched?  the avengers finally lolol
4. What did you have for breakfast today?  fried weenies and scrambled eggs

5. Would you rather mop all of your floors or do laundry? mop because other than kitchen/bathrrom it's all carpet! lol
6. Do you drink coffee?  nope never have it reeks so I don't see how it could possibly taste good.
7.  Will you watch the Superbowl?  NO!!!!
8. How often do you shop for groceries?  mayhaps 3 times a week. I'm doin low carb and I HATE meat that's been frozen so I shop more often than I used to
9.  What kind of workout will you do today?  I'm gonna do at least a 5k on the treadmill as I'm in training for one in march
10.  Do  you use a fitness tracker?  no but mayhaps I should I'm just sick of technology

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
Random Questions
1. Did you watch the Super Bowl?  If so, what was your favorite part?  I do NOT watch it but Madonna's half-time show ROCKED a couple of years ago.
2. What is the weather like where you live?  it's in the 20s and we had about an inch of snow yesterday
3. When is your birthday?  may 30
4. Do you prefer sparkling water or flat water?  I honestly have no clue what sparkling water is I drink tap water bercause I REFUSE to buy bottled water
5. How many hours did you sleep last night?  7ish
6. What is your favorite day of the week?  sundays I usually have a group or a radio show or some other fun activity and I'm off BOTh jobs!
7. If you had to choose between riding a bike or swimming, which would you choose? swimming I'm like a fish in the water and my knee doesn't like biking
8. How often do you eat red meat?  at least 3 times a week sometimes more. I grew up on a cattl farm so for me it's normal
9. What time did you wake up this morning?  9pm , I work nights so I'm catty-wampuss to most folks.
10. Do you have any goals for the week?  not to get sick, everyone in my house has the flu!

Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions.  Don’t forget to come back and link up in the comments.  Happy Monday!



  1. Screw the calories and take the vitamins and meds to keep you healthy!!!! Make sure you are getting a good nights sleep too!!!

  2. I'm not a coffee drinker either. I do love the smell, not the taste at all.

    Great job on staying ahead of the flu. I've heard this one is a doozie. You don't want it!


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!