BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

FMM on a sunday (only a week late!)

Friend Makin Mondays
First off apologies for not posting last Monday, with it being Memorial Day I completely forgot. However I am back now and this week’s questions come from Stephanie over at Athlete At Heart. I would love to feature more questions from my readers, so feel free to send me a topic or list of questions and I will happily mention you when I post them. You can contact me at
If you’ve taken part in FMM before then you are familiar with the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to read and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!
The Next
1. What is the next movie you want to see?
I'm actually going to see driving miss daisy starring angela landsbury and james earl jones. it was an Australian production and they filmed it.
2. What is the next book you want to read?
the 16th Dresden files novel skin game came out this month and amazon FINALLY got it here (a week late, what was the point of preordering to get in on the release date if they didn't ship it till a week later???)

3. What is the next trip/vacation you are going to take?
I have nay a clue probably down south to visit my family in bama or my bestie who's in atlanta
4. What is the next restaurant you want to try?
well it's slim pickins here in dover mainly chains and such , the next one I'm eating at will be cheddars as I'm having lunch with a fried tomorrow

5. What is the next workout you are going to do?
I am bound and determined to get to my gym tonight after tarot group so that's the goal, a full circuit.
6. What is the next task you are going to complete?
working on creating my own tarotish deck. I have the blank cards so I need to make prototypes
7.What is the next hobby you want to try?
I've read tarot and such for 20 years but I want to delve into astrology, I have several LARGE books and some astro dice so now I just need time/motivation! lol
8. What is the next big event you will attend?
the annual Nanticoke powwow here in del or pagan pride not sure which comes first off the top of my head. I'd LOVE to go to the twin peaks festival or the teen wolf one but alas I'm all outta vaca time and funds! lol
9. What type of animal do you want as your next pet?
I grew up with dogs so I have always had dogs unfortunately I developed an allergy last year and had to get rid of my Divonna (Chihuahua) I'm not really a cat person right now I have a spider, scorpion, and a fish (a feeder fish that survived the crab that craoked) mayhaps a turtle but I'm not sure.

10. What is the next topic you would like to see on Friend Makin Mondays?
dealing with daily 'fat" issues, like mayhaps clothes, resturants, etc etc
I am excited to see you answers for this one
Now it is your turn to answer the questions, don’t forget to come back here and link your answers in the comments below, and also go and check out other peoples answers on their blogs too.
Have a great day
Sarah xxx


  1. Great answers - sorry you had to get rid of your dog :(

    1. thanks glad you enjoyed it and I'm dealin!


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!