BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

a "proper" blog?

so committing to blogging every day for a year certainly didn't seem like such a daunting task on day 1, but alas 6 months later it is. I seem to run out of ideas/steam pretty often and feel like I'm cheating y'all and myself of a "proper" blog  with info, antecdotes, advice, inspiring crap and such ~giggle~  but alas I shall confess I'm just not 100% with the whole fitness thing right now and I am letting myself be distracted and impacted so much easier than I used to. part of it is I'm just busy and tired and part of it is that comingup with a topic every single day and putting a good quality "product" out there just aint happening. so I post these "mini" blogs just so I can meet my quota. UGH! makes me feel like a slave to the masses in some ways but this was something I choose freely and there's also something to be said for sticking with what you planned and meeting goals and obligations too!
it's funny there are other things I do EVERY single day and I LOVE it, like I post an artist of the day on my facebook page. and I thoroughly enjoy it, I actually just posted day/artist 223 and I NEVER tire of picking videos, finding new artists, hunting down obscure tracks , etc and I'm probably the only person who even watches em but I don't care it's what can I do to make this blog fun again. mayhaps I need to pull my head out of the sand and focus on my wellness, but that doesn't sound "fun" does it?! lmao I shall simply one of these days wake up and pull myself out of 'funky-town" (not the cool disco one! lol) and get back to basics. I'm not sure when/why it became such a bore/chore but the only thing to do is DO IT! I know and understand that and my head keeps trying to convince my heart to join the do y'all keep health fresh and fun or blogging for that matter. mayhaps that's why I've seen so many I love simply fade away and never return.

 BIG sigh, enough introspection how about something fun!

I have hundreds but here are a few faves!
Dune, Fried Green Tomatoes, Charlies Angels, LOTR, Big Trouble In Little China, Labirynth, Willow, Romy and Michelles High School Reunion, Xanadu, Fire and Ice, Wolf, An American Werewolf in London..., Cant Stop the Music, Cursed, the Lost Boys, Golden Child, Last Dragon, Kung Fu Hustle, Kull, Rooster Cogburn, Independence Day, Big Jake, Harry Potter series, Clash of the Titans (original)


  1. I have been bogged down lately and I haven't had much time to read...but I like to read that you are alive and I just enjoy the 'hello all' posts also!

    1. thanks darlin, I enjoy those too I don't know why I expect more of me than I do everyone else? silly isn't it! lol


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!