BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

the craving vs the reality

so we all know how horrible cravings are and sometimes it lives up to it's hype but NOT usually. especially if the craving is something non-special and pedestrian like frozen waffles. now lemme say that's the only kind I've ever had because when I go out I get pancakes but I like them soft and fluffy where-as I want my waffles crispy. I just cant imagine microwave pancakes would be anything but rubbery as ALL microwaveable dough products are. (I HATE micro hot pockets, sandwiches, burgers and the like) so after 3 days of working for these blasted waffles what is the verdict. EH they were good and I enjoyed them but it's certainly not an experience I'm gonna write Anthony bourdain about! lolol it did finally cure my craving thank goodness.
today should be a good day I'm off work and I have my monthly tarot group so that will be fun, plus I have my last pay it forward gift to deliver. I didn't see why I needed to pay $3 for shipping when I'll see them in person tonight (shhhhhhh they don't know!) lol
as for food I ate:
honey teddies (a generic teddy grahmn)
Cheetos (I've been eating on a bag for several days now that normally would be 1 sitting!)
ham, scrambled egg and cheese sandwich
key lime donut
so far thats' it I had no time to eat dinner at work so I'm done for the day.
I walked 14598 steps
so is there a craving that ALWAYS lives up to the hype for y'all?
for me I dunno it used to be hardees biscuits but I've been disappointed the last few times I went. I really enjoy cheddars at this point but I don't crave it so much. red lobster all you can eat shrimp is another thing I enjoy and if I skip the biscuits and fries I can stay 100% low carb but alas that special seems to run less and less. mayhaps I'm just starting to get a handle on eating as a whole.

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