BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Friday, May 23, 2014

real food YES!

so I ate real food yesterday with no ill affects and I am THRILLED and FILLED! lol
I ate 2 homemade hamburgers (I cook em in water in a skillet until they're done then empty pan and   brown them so WAY less grease)
a pecan pie (small one in tin from wally)
sm bag bbq chips
this morning I'm eating a plate of left over spaghetti I crumbled my left over hamburger and cut up an Italian sausage to put in the sauce then sprinkled with romano cheese
garlic bread
that's all so not overdone but VERY satisfied.
did I mention how much I HATE ginger-ale lmao it taste like you boiled tree roots and dirt to me (so does licorice)
gonna do some yoga to see where I'm at physically then mayhaps some belly dancing too!


  1. Hate licorice, but love good ginger ale. There is a difference between brands.
    Glad you are better.

    1. I agree about the brands but I think drinking it warm was also part of the problem I despise hot/warm beverages it's ice for me all the way! lol


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!