BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

the real world/bollywood!

as y'all know every plan must face the REAL WORLD on occasion when there are few if any or mayhaps even no on plan options. a friend is doing me a favor so I offered lunch and she really insisted that we go to an indian buffet I've never been to. my experience with indian food is limited (I've been to 2 eateries and a couple of festivals) so I have no clue what my options will be. I ate some bbq skins to dull the edge of my appetite but if I see something I want I shal have some of it, some NOT all! lolol moderation shall be the key. I feel fine with this decision and plan to enjoy myself, but an extra bit of sweat tonightwill make me feel even better as I'm off work and can go to the gym when it's empty. I confess others get on my nerves when they hog machines to socialize in groups and such.............I know y'all are SHOCKED that timmy has no patience! lololol
 as for yesterday it was good
chicken breast
dill pickle (large)
cole slaw
cube steak
cheddar cheese
pecans and I got 14266 steps
I feel like my portions are still a bit too large and I may have to invest in a scale instead of guesstimating sizes. growing up on a farm I have always eaten a HUGE amount of food but of course I needed it back then when I was feeding cows, working in the fields, etc etc now not so much! lolol
 feely like some Bollywood may be in my future later today so gonna get my "groove" on!


  1. The real world??? What's that!!!!

    Seriously, I think your plan is spot on!!! Make the best choices and ENJOY!!!!

    As for you and your comments to me! You are always my favorite person to read comments because you are so encouraging and uplifting!! Luv ya babe!!!!

  2. Good luck with the Indian food. I don't know anything about it. You are right to practice moderation. We can't live in a little diet bubble forever. We have to learn those skills too.


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!