BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

a great night

I had a GREAT night! my dear sweet friend Lori's mom (no not that Lori the other one on FB lol) made me a scarf. it's handknitted skulls in rainbow colors and it's 8ft 6 inches long! it's the most tight/awesome/hot/bangin/boss/killer scarf EVER! people were trying to buy it off me all night!
apparently universally I must be doin something right, that's multiple unexpected gifts this week. and timmy is a present WHORE doesn't matter what it is, just that someone thought of me makes me all giddy with delight!
it was actually fantastic I was soooooooooo very exhausted from the last few days and the long stretch without an off day but this pepped me right up and gave me such a mood boost. I'm still walking on air! (no pics yet my camera is bein funky) and I work tonight then I'm off for three whole days from BOTH jobs! YIPPIE !!!
on the food front last night was pretty lean as I didn't have time to eat so I stopped at hardees on the way home and got....
sausage croissant
bacon sandwich
cheddar cheese
garlic chicken breast
curry chicken
tomato and cucumber salad with crisp lentils
higher than normal on the carbs for me but I needed the "boost"
I also walked 14871 steps and did some yoga

1 comment:

  1. Funny thing, my mother makes scarves too! I want to see a picture of it as soon as your camera is un-funked.


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