BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Friday, March 21, 2014


the aftermath of my trying day was an I don't give an F mind set so when I got invited to lunch I went and I ate what I wanted oh it wasn't too too bad but I did have a helping of rice and 3 slices of indian bread (not sure what it's called I call it POOF bread. lol I also had a slice of pecan pie last night (not that good and I scouped the guts and left the crust and I had 1 tsp of bbq sauce on my grilled pork chops.
so I ate
chicken breast
curry chicken
chicken schwarma (spellcheck)
poof bread
pork chops
pecan pie
cucumber salad with crisp lentils
I actually forgot my pedometer but I ran around all day and I rearranged my room , moved 3 bookcases and a desk so I did pretty good on staying active.
this morning I need to clean out the tank and get it out of sight because it irks me every time I see it.
on a hateful note fred phelps died, now I was raised to not say anything about someone unless it was "nice" so here goes.................fred phelps is dead............NICE! (not even kiddin not one little bit!)
I need to get my tuckus movin and go to wal mart I need post its because I stick notes everywhere it's the only way I can remember to do everything I plan/need to, a large cork board , and some push pins. plus I suppose I should get something good and nutritional to eat BEFORE I start getting hungry! (YA THINK!) lol


  1. Haa haa haa...loved you 'nice' comment. I tried to not laugh outloud (it makes people look at me like I'm crazy!)

    Don't worry about one day...move on and plan on doing better tomorrow!


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!