BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

escape from obesity

what do y'all think? my friend Lyn from Escape From Obesity
saw an eating disorder specialist who is overweight and it concerns her. I hope you don't mind me sharing with my peeps hon, I really am looking for some understanding here. I personally think the do as I say not as I do mode doesn't work well for me. I'd be uncomfortable taking advice from someone who has never been in the weight loss trenches but honestly I'd rather have a skinny person who has never had an issue tell me how they stay thin as opposed to someone fat. that smacks of hypocrisy to me, like a preacher cheating on his wife telling me how sacred marriage is. mayhaps i'm just in too deep to be clear headed but it seems to have struck a nerve with lots of folks. I also don't go to a beautition with horrid hair, or a dentist with bad teeth.
as for me I'm still hangin in, hope y'all are having a great week, and if you're not already following Lyn her very open blog inspires and touches me routinely. she lays it all out there in the hopes that it helps others and for me it rings true!

1 comment:

  1. No I don't mind you sharing at all! I am interested to hear what people think about this. And thanks for the kind words :)


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!