BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


I feel like I discovered a BIG ole secret it makes me feel better, keeps me flexible, calms and centers why oh why do I procrastinate and self sabotage by NOT doin my yoga all the time. it's been months since I did more than a few passings poses here and there. so gorram silly of me, so today I'm gonna change my routine up and do at least 15 minutes every day before bed to help me sleep and not wake up sore/stiff......
obviously with a bad knee I have to modify a few poses and with my deviated septum I cant do the breathing properly but I can be the best I can!

so I'm flexible enogh to do the basics but I wanna be STRONG enough to do some amazing stuff and so I shall/can be if I just keep at it!

 a very simple truth...

nothing to do with yoga but mmmmmmmmmmm


  1. Yoga is off limits for me know, as is belly dancing!! I should be able to start slowly with the belly dancing in a few more months. Yoga maybe off the table forever. I'm trying not to focus on that, though. There are plenty of other things I can do. I am doing what I can now and I feel stronger every day.

  2. I think I'd do better doing yoga with strangers....I took a class at my daughter's dance studio - taught by her ballet teacher! I was SO conscious of my form & posture but on the plus side, I pushed myself a lot harder while working on said form & posture!

    And OMG - that third picture after yours....HOW do you even figure out your body can do that?????


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!