BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

the aftermath

well Christmas and it's frenzy of holiday treats and parties may be over but we have new years to contend with, which honestly is no biggie for me I do not drink at all, never really have. I tasted a beer at 4 and that was enough of that horse piss, and I tried a sip of a rum and coke YUCK, a sip of champagne to toast the new year and a swig of vodka I G'd like a girl according to my female cousin! lol oh yeah and a sip of a mimosa because my room-mate guilted me into toasting his birthday, most disgusting thing I ever put in my mouth!
as for Christmas it was lovely I got some awesome stuff I didn't expect, a set of 5 les homees posters from firefly, that's a poster for each gut that are awesome! a firefly book collectors edition, a couple of movies, the fablehaven series box set (cant wait to read em) and the tarot in the land of mystereum set, which is amazing. Jordan haggard who created them was a guest on the tarot talk radio blog I co-host and he's ver so cool. I posted I got em and FB and he replied he was excited to hear my take on the cards. very cool indeed that someone I respect values my opinion about tarot.
I also got a stocking FILLED with baby ruths and paydays (the only candy bars I ever liked) I admit I've eaten a couple but am gonna share the wealth at work tonight so they vanish quickly. I was actually far more excited about the pigs in a blanket which I've always loved. I ate what I want but did not eat till that over-stuffed misery I usually do so I'm saying the day was a success in all ways!
hope y'all made it through the frenzy safe and sound, and even if you destroyed your plan and ate to excess/misery it's only a day or mayhaps a week if you've been in full blown holiday furor. that's ok today is a new day clean out that fridge take all those yummy goodies and give them to the office, the neighbors, the skinny bitch you hate! lmao just rid yourself of the temptation and start anew no guilt no worries.
I HIGHLY recommend NOT waiting till january 1st to start over as we ll know new years resolutions fail, so don't start a plan with a mark already against you I'm starting mine over on the 28th because I'm off that night and it's easier to begin when I'm on my own turf.
I do want to share a chuckle with y'all I posted about my tarot cards on my fb tarot page  and I said I was gonna delve into it after my turkey induced nappy poo..................well a friend from new Zealand was completely confounded. she thought I was gonna take a crap in my pants apparently a nappy is a dirty diaper over there! lol  we talked it out but lemme tell ya regional dialect is a hoot, they also don't use erasers on their pencils they use rubbers! LMAO
that's all for now y'all have a beautiful day xoxoxoxo
this is another Christmas present a lovely soooooooooooooo soft throw! and that is what my hair does if I braid it! lmao

1 comment:

  1. Hip hip hurray for a successful Christmas day!

    I'm with you.....I don't do anything high calorie for New Years (watch this year be different somehow! LOL) for me the badness SHOULD be over! Time to knuckle down and do this!!! We've got this!


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!