BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Friday, December 13, 2013

a plan is better than none

having been a long time solider in the battle of the buldge I know how easy it is to get off track and how many times I've had to start over. it sucks but alas it is what it is a small battle in the war that I shall win and so shall you if you just keep trying. now I know there are 10 million diets out there. I suggest doing research and finding one that works for you. atkins works for me and I do great on it physically an mentally cause I'm a BIG ole carnivore. if you're a vegetarian it's not gonna work long time as it would be too limiting. paleo might work for you, or the 30 foods. don't just decide because so and so recommends it to throw yourself headlong into it without doin the research first. it gets expensive and discouraging too.
lots of folks I know do great on jenny craig, nutra system and the like but that's also expensive and I don't like prepackaged meals. it leaves me with no control of ingredients (I wont eat onions, mushrooms, olives, peppers) and way too many have stuff that makes me gag. lol
weight watchers is a viable option for many I tried it TWICE I lost weight short term and I LOVED the meetings but the food was simply too carb loaded it started triggering cravings/binges for me after about 3 weeks both times. that being said it's also an expense $40 a month to attend meetings $20ish for online (I see no point in online the meetings are the selling point for me) I stoped goin to meetings but continued to pay the money for 5 months (DUMB!)
lots of folks do online tracking and if that works for you go for it, it cant hurt to try. there are also tons of weight-loss groups to join. I found it like pulling teeth to get people to participate so I opted out for my own sanity. but your experience is yours if you don't try you'll never know.
whatever you decide to do, DO SOMETHING! if it's an actual plan or one you make up. just make sure water is a BIG part of it ..............and I hate water but I have learned to tolerate it because it helps me to lose weight and keep it off. same with exercise I HATE it but not as much as I HATE/LOATHE/DESPISE being fat. it's a trade off you make your body healthy so you can enjoy it and you do what you gotta do.
if you like numbers counting calories, fat, or carbs may work for you.............I can recommend the calorie king fat/carb book as a GREAT resource. you can get it at most bookstores or amazon it comes out yearly so the new ne should be out soon. they also have a great website
I'm gonna spill the proverbial beans here and admit today the food won but I shall not waste my whole day I'm gonna pull myself up by those threadbare bootstraps and get right back on the weight-loss train!
I ate
pecan pie
garlic bread
garlic chips
steak biscuit
I did however skip the tasty cake and I drank 4 quarts of crystal light and 1/2 gallon of water.
I also got in 14,289 steps and did yoga for about 20 minutes


  1. Pecan pie is my favorite pie all the way from childhood. When I was little I called it "Nutty Pie" and my grandmother had one for me every time I went to her house!

    1. mine too we had pecan trees in the front yard so we had em fresh all the time, YUMMY!


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!