BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Monday, March 24, 2014

what a wonderful world

sometimes, mayhaps often-times I focus on the struggle and not the joy that is life. am I too heavy, yes, , work sucks yep, people are difficult what. it's a wonderful world and it's magic that on a rock in the middle of the vast universe life exists and that is enough!

havin a catharsis and about time too! lmao don't know whats had me down as of late but I've shed that skin and I'm SHINY once again. there's nothing that I cant accomplish and that goes for y'all as well. I'm gonna really refocus on what I can do and let what I cant fade away. it's living the serenity prayer to the ooompth degree. so with that bein said I listened to my body and ate what I was craving today.
tomato soup with wheat crackers
Italian sausage
chicken breast
peanut butter
cole slaw
bbq skins
parmesan and romano cheeses
I didn't wear my pedometer yesterday and I only went to the grocery store so I probably got 1000 steps if I had to guess, I did some yoga (probably 1/2 hour) and that was as physical as it got. my body needs rest right now. part of the problem is my off days have been separated for months now so I never have time to actually rest. when you work 3rd shift the 1st day is a throw away honestly by the time you get laundry, shopping, cleaning done it's gone. and sorry but 3rd shift is a completely different monster. it does not work/feel/behave like 1st or 2nd shift when it comes to days off. when my days off are separated there isn't a single day I'm not in my job. say I'm off sunday, I go in at 10pm sat night and work til 6am sunday morning then have to be back at 10pm Monday night. see what I mean mentally it's like not having a day off at all.
this should be the last wek I have to worry about that as I changed my availability starting in april to tues-sat so i'll have off every sunday and Monday. I did this because......................well it's BIG news but till it's officially announced I cant spill the beans. lets just say it's a great platform/opportunity to get out there and noticed!

y'all have a great healthy week!

1 comment:

I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!