BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

what a difference a day makes

what a difference a day and a new attitude make! I decided I was gonna have a great day no matter what. no matter how horrid work might be, no matter how shitty people act, who cares? I cant control people actions but my actions are well within my grasp. it was busy, it was hectic, and most people probably couldn't have handled it buti am NOT most people. I excel at my job and I genuinely like most folks. so from now on even if it's not fair and wrong so what who promised me that rose garden? lolol
so I had a good night, the day not so much but I didn't let it bother me. I decided to eat some sausage which I seldom do and apparently my body no longer likes it. I woke up and kept havin to run to the potty every hour or so which played havoc with my sleep but all was well by the time I went to work which I'm grateful for because when you're the only cashier on a sat night there are no potty breaks.
so eating yesterday was so/so
peanut butter
ritz crackers (I tried the new bacon ones, ehhh not bad not great ,thank goodness so I wont be cravin them! lol)
donut, yep a crispy crème
bbq skins
and I was having cracklins for dinner and swallowed wrong there is nothing so bad as pork dust goin down the wrong way it expands with liquid so drinking does no good and I ended up havin to force myself to throw up what I ate just to calm it down finally. tmi? lol
I got 10142 steps

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right. WE are in control of ourselves. Not the people we interact with! Good reminder!


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!