BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

what is up with................

what is up with the world?  she be CRA CRA OK! lolol
things have jut been topsy turvy and out of whack in general as of late. my leopard gecko jut up and died yesterday. he was perfectly healthy, Tuesday night he was eating crickets and running around when I left for work. wed morning he was on his back with labored breathing. I checked everything, no impaction, no tumors, no bad shed. but none the less he passed . I sat up with him till 3pm trying to figure out something, anything to no avail. before anyone gets too upset for me, I shall miss him he was adorable and a very good gecko but alas I grew up on a farm so I understand about death better than most (of course bein an orphan also plays into that) animals (and people) take ill for no reason and just go, it's a fact of life and not something I'm gonna lose it over. oh I'm bummed about losing such a sweet little guy but cest le vie that IS life!
I got plenty of wonderful support when I posted about it on FB and that is so appreciated. I also got a lot of take him to the vets office by well meaning peeps who don't quite "get" it. it's minimum $100 just to get an appointment and that's for a regular vet not a reptile specialist. you cant really force feed or hydrate a lizard like you can a mammal. once they get to the flippin over on their back stage there's virtually nothing that can be done. I shall/will/cant see pouring money down a well when I live week to week as it is. I still owe the last $100 from when I had my er visit in November, I need new work shoes, and I'm still sleeping on a mattress on the floor because I chose (that's right my choice) to spend my money elsewhere. I live pretty well and I lack for no neccesities but I have to make informed choices on occasion and this was one of them I cant spend boucou bucks on a $20 lizard that I KNEW in my bones was gonna pass anyway. part of that is farm raisin and part is having a best friend for the past 20 years who does wildlife rehab that I have helped with, watched, and even house sit with. I'm also a Gemini and I can see how things are gonna play out better than most. I refuse to feel badly because I cant shut off sentimentality and accept that sometimes fate sucks and critters die.  if it were a mammal there's lot more options but it's not like they can do exploratory surgery on a 6inch lizard  and save it. personally I'm blaming petsmart I believe in my bones it was a genetic defect because everything was perfect, the temp, humidity, water and food available and it came on so suddenly. it was definitely that and not the food (thank goodness) because I fed the spider and scorpion the same crickets purchased at the same time (and no exterminator anywhere near the house)
now that bein said emotionally whilst I can deal I did order a sub and fries during the turmoil
I ate the sub but tossed the fries as I came to my senses.
that bein said I ate........
buffalo chicken cheese-steak (8 inch) with added bacon
3 French fries
chicken breast
beef hot dog
chili (no beans)
handful of pecans
 I also got 10,658 steps
I was exhausted at work from lack of sleep, too many carbs, and bein slightly bummed at the turn of events. in talkin with friends there were several who lost long term pets yesterday and even a relative so apparently there was something goin on with the veil between the worlds and critters on the brink were bein called home en-mass.
that is all, I'm off today and I have TONS of stuff to do!


  1. Hugs to you. It is the life cycle and all that stuff...but it still hurts to lose our pets! Hugs!


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!