BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Friday, March 14, 2014

taste of india

VERY low key day and whew I needed one! I went to my luncheon with friend and was wonderfully surprised by the quality of the food. the buffet was hot and delcicious. I ate my fill but didn't overfill to that point of misery (but was tempted, it was THAT good!)
my friend even had printed a 15% off coupon from their webpage so it was only $7.25............
I ate :
green salad: cucumbers/lettuce/tomatoes and garnished with lentil wafers
naan: fried bread (1 piece)
poori: deep fried puffy bread (1 piece)
basmati khazana : rice
murg tikka: chicken
murg in curry sauce: chicken

I also had a handful of Cheetos and that's all I ate for the day, so not too bad at all! I also drank water with the meal, lots of water as it was spicy (GOOD spicy! flavorful and not just heat) a very good day!
I was inspired by a pic I saw of a baby (1 year old) who appeared downs syndrome but had the most lovely/breathtaking smile with her tongue stuck out laughing away it put me in the best of moods (I shared it on facebook if you have my page there) I was inspired to do my own version because anyone smiling like that deserves a smile back from all of us!  so here's my version:
 blogger is bein stupid about pics AGAIN and wont upload I copied and pasted this one but it refuses to enlarge it, y'all shall NOT damage my calm! lmao and therefore I shall end this post before it happens...............................have a GREAT day Y'all! xoxoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. That's a very good deal even without the coupon. My fave is Tandoori Chicken , so delicious!


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