all of y'all know I'm just timothy 24/7 /365 I don't TRY to upset folks but I don't try to be pc and mollycoddle them either. so I have people come and go as followers and friends. it's THEIR problem not mine. I'd rather have a respectful discussion and exchange of ideas but to most if you cant see it their way you're wrong. sorry I don't play well with bossy folks!
I saw a story that set me off about a senator whose dustrice includes ferguson, she's black and she made twitter threats against white people in her district. EXCUSE ME? you are an elected official who was hired to look out for all you constituents of ALL races! so I went on a mini rant on FB! lolol
and here it is...............................
"unless I'm mistaken you racist twit, you represent all the people of your district of all races not just the ones you're pandering to............all of y'all need to stop this race baiting bullshit. we'd get along fine amongst ourselves if people who are extremists of all races would stop stirring the sheeple up. how about raising kids to respect people in general, and that they'll be rewarded for hard work and that the world don't owe anybody a gosh darn thing! I don't get m...istreated for bein gay because I don't even consider that in my wheelhouse, mayhaps if you looked at your effort and demeanor instead of automatically throwin a pity party for yourself at every turn you'd get further in this world. you don't fight injustice by being a lawbreaker you work within the system to affect positive change. and by the by if you're not working to be a part of the solution and keeping an open dialog with those different than you then shut the fuck up and stay under your rock! I'm sick of this whole bad behavior gets rewarded crap we do in America. when a riot breaks out and people an property are in danger SHUT IT DOWN BY FORCE IF NECCESARY. and if you'e lobbing rocks and stuff at cops then you should be met with whatever means are necessary to stop you. including deadly force. there is nothing wrong with an organized peaceful protest but when have we had any of those as of late? and how the hell are thee people living? someone is footing the bill behind all of these people who have months on end to act like savages and not work. I'd say people of all races should wake up and realize the so called "leaders" of these movements (ferguson, occupy, etc etc) only make money by keeping the pot stirred and the pressure on , and all of y'all simple minded sheep buy into it. if you want change un for office, vote, sign petitions, call/write your elected officials, start a support group, but for cripes sake stop hindering law abiding folks who haven't nary a thing to do with what you're angry about. most people are good and Ameirca aint all that bad so put on your big boy/girl undies and act like you got some common sense! .....................end of rant!"
I can tell when I "tweak" folks I had 3 likes and not a single comment! silly sheeple, stop bein chicken I don't bite! (unless we're dating! BWAHAHAHAHAHA)
I'm sorry but I'm OVER this silliness. no one alive today owes anyone anything for what happened hundreds or even thousands of years ago. take of the sad rags and put on the gladrags then take a deep breath and SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP!
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I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!