oh yeah can you dig it? LMAO at least I come by my scarlet o'hara complex naturally since I'm southern! what's your excuse? seriously procrastination is evil and insidious cause putting it off even for a valid reason is still putting it off, and whats my old line (all my followers know!) reasons are just excuses wearing a bow! so unless it involves traction or paralysis JUST GET OFF YOUR ARSE AND DO IT! something, anything is better than nothing and you'll feel a great sense of accomplishment instead of that loser guilt!

so lets talk about eating:
1 mini baby ruth, yep only one!
dill pickle
pulled pork
hot dog
garlic toast
that's all, was too busy gaming (WOW is my addiction) and watching police academy (watched 5 of em, I'll do the other 2 this morning)

and with the right stuff!

and this one is oh so very important if I had waited until I was ready and all the stars aligned and I was mentally set and knew I would be successful..........................I'D STILL BE 300+ POUNDS SITTING ON MY ASS MISERABLE AND WISHING/HOPING/PRAYING FOR SOMETHING TO CHANGE! we all deserve to be happy and healthy but many of us aren't willing to be proactive in our lives. so if you are sitting on the couch with a box of twinkies praying to be thin/well. stop wasting your time throw that poison in the garbage bin and get off your ass and make the change you want to be!

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I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!