doin ok my tummy is acting up occasionally in revolting ways and food that has NEVER bothered me before suddenly is and tastes weird too. mayhaps my body is going through a MAJOR shift!

so i'll figure it out but honestly I feel like I'm in aholding pattern right now pln wise, I wanna lose the 8 pounds to get me into ONEderland but apparently not enough to just friggin do it.

food wise I'm doin okay but not stellar
I ate:
chicken sandwich
buffalo chicken
sunflower kernels
bologna biscuit
bacon biscuit'
steak biscuit
I've really just been playing WOW aka WORLD OF WARCRAFT and enjoying it immensely with no guilt, but it's that I work hard I deserve to relax mindset and I KNOW I have to snap out of it, but not today! lol

this I KNOW!
so i'll figure it out but honestly I feel like I'm in aholding pattern right now pln wise, I wanna lose the 8 pounds to get me into ONEderland but apparently not enough to just friggin do it.
food wise I'm doin okay but not stellar
I ate:
chicken sandwich
buffalo chicken
sunflower kernels
bologna biscuit
bacon biscuit'
steak biscuit
I've really just been playing WOW aka WORLD OF WARCRAFT and enjoying it immensely with no guilt, but it's that I work hard I deserve to relax mindset and I KNOW I have to snap out of it, but not today! lol
this I KNOW!
We are waiting to reactivate our accounts till Warlords of D come out. :)