Happy Monday everyone, hope you are having a great Labor Day Weekend.If you’ve taken part in Friend Makin’ Mondays before then you are familiar with the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to read and comment on a couple of other posts.
This week’s questions ‘more randomness’ come from Tyra at Random Acts of Snark. Thanks Tyra.
1. Would you rather visit the doctor or the dentist?
dentist, cause it's usually cosmetic not really something wrong.
2. Would you rather eat broccoli or carrots?
Definitely carrots broccoli is disgusting!
3. Would you rather listen to music or watch TV?
I've always listened to music more but as of late tv has roped me in.
4. Would you rather own a lizard or a snake?
lizard, I've had geckos before they're sweet.
5. Would you rather have a beach holiday or a mountain holiday?
hmmmm mountain as long as it's close to a stream/river
6. Would you rather BE an apple or a banana?
a banana, wonder what freud would say? lol
7. Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds?
8. Would you rather be hairy all over or completely bald?
hairy you can always manscape!
9. Would you rather be the most popular or the smartest person you know?
hmmmm I'm already the smartest person I know so mayhaps i'll try popularity! BWAHAHAHAHA!
10. Would you rather make headlines for saving somebody’s life or winning a Nobel Prize?
nobel peace prize for saving many lives, the greater good!
Now it’s your turn to answers the questions on your blog. Don’t forget to come back here after and post a link to your answers and check out the answers of others who post too.
Also if you haven’t already entered there is less than 24 hours left to enter my Apera Bag Giveaway.
Have a great day
Sarah xx
Ha ha ha....since I chose the banana also as I was reading, we know where my mind is stuck!