BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

induction: whitney

day 1 induction:
back to the drawing board AGAIN, but it's ok I am focused and not gonna waste any time worrying (stress stops weightloss) even before I screwed up I wasn't getting the numbers I should have, mayhaps bein 45 this time as opposed to 35 is the problem my metabolism seems to have slowed down. the only real carbs I was eating was my Caesar salads and occasional spoonful of peanut butter so I'm gonna cut those out for two weeks and see what happens. I expect that will shift me over into high gear then I can slowly add carbs back in. I'm also committing to going to the gym at least three times a week and exercise at home at least 3 times. I'm thinking i'll take one day off, and use that to get errands, laundry, crafts and such done.
 but at least I'm eating completely on plan and the cravings have abated.
I ate:
beef hot dog
chicken salad
bbq skins
hamburger patty
boiled eggs (2 whites only yolks are yucky unless deviled)
string cheese
half my house is down with the flu and on antibiotics and I woke up with one side of my throat sore yesterday so I have been netti potting, airbourneing, garlicing (20,000mg so far) gargling with peroxide and listerene, and sucking down vitamin c drops and so far it seems to have taken care of it gonna keep it up at least until everyone is done with their meds.

1 comment:

  1. I've had good results with zinc warding of flu like bugs.

    Good for you for getting right back on your plan. I woke up in the night the other night starving!! Major stomach growling type hunger that I was surprised didn't wake up 65MD. I remembered your blog about the ravenous hunger that shows up about day 3. I knew what it was and managed to go back to sleep. Thanks, Timothy!


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!