BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

A GOOD DAY.............

today was a good day all around, (with 1 minor blip) I ate well, I exercised, I laughed, I smiled...........and then I worked 9hence the blip LOL)
I got 14178 steps I drank 1 gallon of water I
I ate:
chicken breast
roast beef
cheddar cheese
chili (no beans)
2 boiled eggs (whites only)
Caesar salad
I really was having a GREAT day and I refused to let one nimrod throw me into a bad mood but I do admit to bein momentarily flummoxed.
I was at work and had a really long line and of course I'm the only cashier and this moron in line paying for gas said "know where I can score some coke" I said "excuse me?" he actually repeated it .I was instantly irate. so I said " I know I have long hair piercings and tattoos but let me tell you I have been straight edge since high school. I don't smoke, drink or do drugs and I abhor people who do, they are useless pieces of crap and contribute nothing to society so I suggest you go elsewhere to find you drugs you piece of crap!" (I probably should have all caps this! lol) the store was DEAD quite, and I smiled sweetly at the next guy and said "can I help you" he was like ummmmmmmmmm I need a pack of newports" LMAO I busted out laughing and we all talked about what a moron/loser that guy was and it was over and done. the point of the story is stereotypes are almost NEVER accurate, not all jocks are dumb, not all gays are hairdressers or florists, not all lesbians are mechanics, not all tattooed piereced people do drugs, fat people aren't lazy and slovenly, etc etc. I strive to treat each person based on my actual interaction with them. oh sometimes I start to buy in but I fight it whenever it starts to creep, awareness is key.
 so mayhaps I'm not perfect but I do try and be a better person today than I was yesterday and that's all we can do is be the best we can at this moment in time.

I've been doing a journal page  exchange with members of a group I belong to and I got my 1st one in the mail and it was so beautiful and so intuitive too!
it's hard to see because it's red but it has several of my totems owl/crow as well as panther and coyote (the trickster.....wonder why he's there? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)




  1. I would have been the dumbass who said "Back cooler next to the Dr Pepper"...
    No lie. I think you handled it super!!!

  2. I wish I could have heard you tell that guy off.


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!