BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

the plan?!

ok so I need to do something foodwise but still kinda ponderin it. lo carb is of course gonna be involved because other than biscuits occasionally I don't really enjoy bread anymore. half the time If I fix a burger or dog in a bun I take one bite and toss the bread so why bother...............mayhaps i'll just eat salads I found a yummy looking one online!

lololololol now that's my kinda feast. it actually looks like my plate when I go to a breakfast buffet!
seriously though probably gonna eliminate bread or simply allow myself one cheat meal a week (NOT a cheat-day ONE meal!) and a timed one at that, gonna stick to the food journaling and restart my 3 times a week (or more) workouts now that the weather is better.
now I have a totally unrelated health question for y'all my 17 year old nephew has been told by his dentist that he MUST have his wisdom teeth out asap BEFORE he goes into the military. he is asymptomatic as they are in and he has no issues so I think it's BULLSHIT! of course the dentist wants to yank em out but for me that's stupid and apparently the only country that routinely does this is the USA with NO scientific basis at all. the statistics have been proven false and most removed from the ads. I say that's stupid it's like removing an appendix because you MIGHT have a apendicitus. what do y'all think? does your country still do this?
on the food end I ate :
pork chop
Cheetos (handful)
scrambled eggs
peanut butter cookies (2)
roast beef
beef sausage
garlic bread
and I got 10,340 steps


  1. My wisdom teeth all "erupted" (dentists word,not mine) but they started to tell me that I had to have them out. I questioned him and asked why. He told me that it was because my mouth was too small and it would be near impossible for me to adequately reach them to brush them and keep them 'healthy'. Therefore we decided for mine that as I got a cavity in them, we would pull at a time. I had the fourth and final wisdom tooth removed about 2 years about the age of 39. My husband was told to remove his because they hadn't come through the whole way....he ignored it also. My husband made it to about 38 and stared having major issues.....resulted in surgical removal....the recovery was horrible....apparently the older you get the worse it is to surgically remove them. I would basically give the advice of talking to the dentist to find out exactly WHY they need to be removed. Is it because they are simply going to be hard to maintain as mine were? Is it because they have not fully 'erupted like my husband and will eventually cause a major headache? Is it because they are pushing the other teeth out of whack because there isn't enough room for them? I'd find out the reason they say that asymptomatic teeth need to be removed. SOMETIMES preventative measures ARE the best. (teeth removed now ...or 5 years of braces later???) However, sometimes the cost of preventative measures aren't worth it (such as my case).

    Ok I didn't really answer it....but hopefully gave you some food for thought!

    1. no the dentist has NO reason at all, his mouth is plenty big not pushing other teeth he told him he needed to have them out to get into the military.............WTF? stupidest thing I ever heard.

  2. I never had problems with mine. I didn't even know I had them until I went into the military and they wanted to pull them during bootcamp. I simply said no. I did end up getting them taken out right before the end of my second enlistment, because it was easier to pull than to fill the cavity I had. Also, not really an answer to your question. But if they aren't bothering him, why fix what isn't broke?

    1. that's what I said, he actually told him he HAD to have them removed to enlist in the military, I told Xavier that was BS! of course the dentist wants to yank them NOW because he'll get a big fat fee, if after Xavier is in the military (he's only 17) and needs them out no big fat fee.


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!