BE what you BElieve!

BE what you BElieve!

Monday, January 20, 2014

a good day and blondie

well I had a most excellent day. food was good, met with friends and that was good and I avoided temptation which is GREAT! I belong to a tarot group that meets once a month and everyone brings food. sometimes it's lasagna, or hummus, or crackers etc etc. last night it was donuts, fruit platter, crackers, strawberries, chips, and such, I had planned ahead and had some almonds in my bag so I drank water and had a couple of pieces of cheese with my almonds and was perfectly fine with it no desire to cheat at all!
on the body front for those of you who have never tried low carb dieting your body definitely acts differently once you hit ketosis. see you body is using the actual food you eat as fuel as opposed to having a huge surplus so for me anyway I don't go potty very often mayhaps once every 2 days or so which I cant stand TMI ALERT!
I guess I'm used to going every day well part of my routine every night for the last 20 years has been an enema for me it's like regular cleanliness so that problem isn't a big hassle, it's better than the other way around cause for some folks the switch causes incontinence.this too will level in a few days to a week. the body really does go into a kind of shock when it begins to operate as it should have but our modern diet has the body so screwed up it just freaks out for a moment.
on the eating side for the rest of the day.............
beef hot dogs
chicken breast
bbq skins
my palate seems a bit one dimensional but alas I am have and always shall be a BIG ole Carnivore. I hate most vegetables and the one I do eat I only eat in unhealthy versions. a salad or coleslaw are about the only healthy greens i'll eat and other stuff like celery and carrots just kill my tummy. I think it's my Viking and German lineage that's at play cause lord knows I've tried over the years to eat what others called healthy including a sting as a vegetarian that landed me on deaths door (the ER doc told me to start eating meat again that some people just cant do without it < a statement of my life experience NOT an invitation to tell me I'm wrong!>)  I'm gonna pick up lots of fish and shrimp on my grocery trip this week. there are some lovely flash frozen individually wrapped fish selections that will work well for me. I seldom do fresh because of the cost as well as the short shelf life.

the next step will then be to get my ass moving more. right now my side is still killing me and I still don't know why, there is no visible rash/injury it feels like the nerve endings are on fire and it hasn't spread. I've went through cortisone cream, lotions, etc etc. I started with a tincture of arnica this morning and we'll see what that does. I'm also gonna take some Benadryl just to help me sleep because rest is becoming an issue. I'm tired of these physical issues and I REFUSE to have anymore gosh darn it. I guess I cant complain too much since I'm 45 on no meds and in good health otherwise. at least in my mind I am for all I know I could be falling apart! LMAO I haven't had an actual MD or DRs visit since 1984!
here's a view of my chest piece which I'm in LOVE with, probably gonna add one more sittings worth I want to extend the space and add another planet or nebula over the books just to make it symetrical.

one of the great punk bands of all time who are still making great music to this day. one of my all time faves!


  1. I know some people experience 'potty' issues on low carb. My only one is peeing like crazy!

    1. yeah I do that too! but I also drink like a horse! lolol


I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!