don't know if any of y'all keep up with astrology at all but Mercury is going retrograde on the 4th and mark my words it's gonna be all about upheaval . especially with communication and electronics! thought I'd share my daily card from Timothys Tarot.

todays card is the NINE of WANDS:
Mercury hasn't even officially went retrograde and already everything is cattywampuss (happens oct 4th) communication is gonna be terrible I fear and it's already happening. we had to do a rerun of The Taro...t Talk Itv Show on Paraencounters Network because Rebeccas wireless crashed Monday. I haven't had any clients all week and communication is a readers bread and butter. even my mundane job oppsed my schedule and gave me an extra day off (of course when I need the cash! lol) and I've had multiple friends needing advice (which I would NEVER accept money for) that I gladly gave. but it all boils down to the crazy energy goin on preceding the retro.
I kinda feel it's like preparing for a universal energy hurricane. batten down the hatches, surround yourself with protection and light and hold on TIGHT! for those who enjoy a roller coaster ( I do NOT!) it may be a wild ride indeed but don't say you weren't warned!
I'm not an astrologer but it feel like mayhaps mercury is benefitting from the same cycle as the moon and we've had multiple supermoons already. could that be why the affects are so much more visible?
the nine is all about feeling attacked and holding your position so just hang in there on your high ground and do that which must be done and we'll make it through this with a minimum of fuss and muss (fingers crossed just in case! lol)
just remember that electronics can be fubared so back up everything and make sure you get those upgrades and just pay attention to detail. it's the difference between surviving it and living it!
Mercury hasn't even officially went retrograde and already everything is cattywampuss (happens oct 4th) communication is gonna be terrible I fear and it's already happening. we had to do a rerun of The Taro...t Talk Itv Show on Paraencounters Network because Rebeccas wireless crashed Monday. I haven't had any clients all week and communication is a readers bread and butter. even my mundane job oppsed my schedule and gave me an extra day off (of course when I need the cash! lol) and I've had multiple friends needing advice (which I would NEVER accept money for) that I gladly gave. but it all boils down to the crazy energy goin on preceding the retro.
I kinda feel it's like preparing for a universal energy hurricane. batten down the hatches, surround yourself with protection and light and hold on TIGHT! for those who enjoy a roller coaster ( I do NOT!) it may be a wild ride indeed but don't say you weren't warned!
I'm not an astrologer but it feel like mayhaps mercury is benefitting from the same cycle as the moon and we've had multiple supermoons already. could that be why the affects are so much more visible?
the nine is all about feeling attacked and holding your position so just hang in there on your high ground and do that which must be done and we'll make it through this with a minimum of fuss and muss (fingers crossed just in case! lol)
just remember that electronics can be fubared so back up everything and make sure you get those upgrades and just pay attention to detail. it's the difference between surviving it and living it!

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I welcome y'alls input and ideas just make sure you keep it polite and remember if you cant say nothing nice it's a good time to hush it up!